Every great design incorporates beautiful artwork of some kind. Sometimes people think that only includes expensive paintings or modern art sculptures. Not so! While both of those types of art can contribute to great design, art is meant to include anything that makes you say, "this is beautiful/interesting/captivating". Whatever art you put in your home, make sure it's something that you love. It can include wall art, table art, sculpture, furniture (yes, furniture can be functional AND artful), lighting, fabric, etc. Here are a few types of art pieces that I think are good examples of "different" types of art that could be included in many design styles. Use it for inspiration in your own home!
Right now I'm loving the artwork from Barloga Studios. I met them at the Architectural Digest Home Show this year. Their images can be put on to three types of media, be it their handmade paper, acrylic panels, or aluminum plates. These feathers on handmade paper are just some of the many types of prints they make. Imagine a back-lit acrylic print of these feathers! It would be amazing. Check out their website for more images, including cities, animals and scenery.
Photo credit Barloga Studios
This next piece is just cute. Again, seen at the ADHS this year, these little buggers (okay, pun intended) caught my eye and I was super excited. These could be placed anywhere in the home. They could be mounted on the wall, simply set on a table or shelf, even placed on or near a houseplant for a little whimsy. Whimsy. Another touch to great design. Something like this is unexpected and beautiful. These ants are just one example, of course. Maybe you don't like bugs. There are many other options, like animals, miniature anything, collections of stamps you've been storing for years. Just remember, keep it subtle or it will begin to look kitschy. And look for whimsical items that you love!
Photo credit Arteriors
I mentioned before that you might have a collection of something you've been storing for years. It could be stamps, postcards, maps, or maybe license plates like me! My husband and I have lived in a lot of states, and we liked to keep the plates from our truck, but they kept piling up and getting in the way. I finally decided they would make a really fun art wall for my husband's office area. See how cool this is?
Art can be anything you want it to be, and that's one of the amazing things about it. Don't settle for something you don't love. Don't settle for something just because you think it's what art is "supposed" to be. Buy and use pieces that you LOVE and that reflect YOU. I hope these examples inspire you to look for that next perfect piece with a different point of view. Have fun getting creative!